The 71st Pennsylvania Volunteers
(Bakers California Regiment)

Our base line Impression as Civil War Reenactors
The 71st Pennsylvania, Company B, also known as “The California Regiment” is a family oriented, non-profit club, and a member unit of the American Civil War Society, Inc. of Southern California. The 71st is dedicated to preserving the memory and spirit of those individuals who bravely participated in the American Civil War (1861-1865).
The primary methodology used by the 71st to educate the public, is through Living History demonstrations at weekend events. We do participate in the occasional Parade and Living History days as well, and any other event open to the public.
The 71st also exists to provide a safe and fun "family-appropriate" environment for its members, and is founded on the principal that there is room in our hobby for a wide range of participation. As such we do not have an upper or lower age cap, but do require Minors to have approriate supervision during events. We do consider our club/unit to be "drama free", and while we prefer large numbers, will accept a smaller membership if needed.
We recruit primarily across both Southern California, and Southern Nevada, so please contact us if you are interested in joining our unit. We also accept membership from Southern Utah and Northwest Arizona, with the understanding that most of our events are in Southern California.
We portray Company B of the 71st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry as it may have appeared in the early spring of 1864 recovering from Gettysburg. So the 71st is still in its winter quarters at Stevensburg, Virginia. The unit has been out fitted and supplied with new uniforms, equipment and most importantly replacements. This company uses a mixture of Wedge tents (A Frames), and "Dog" tents for the soldiers of the company. Our Civilian Relief Society along with several of the officer, NCO, and junior enlisted families have joined the Regiment in camp.
Our unit is a mixture of veterans who are eating well for the first time in many months (as you can probably tell!) and replacements just arrived from Pennsylvania. Most of our unit carries the M1855 or M1861 Springfield Rifled Musket, and wears the regulation dark blue sack coat and light blue pants - as we were trained by the US Regular Army, and follow their uniforming standards. Some of our veterans still retain the original issue M1853 Enfield Rifled Musket, while some of our new recruits arrived with the M1853 Enfield or the M1863 Springfield.
This all occurred none to soon considering the Wilderness Campaign, Spotsylvania Court House and Cold Harbor were still to come. Please stop by our camp, or contact us online, and we will be happy to answer your questions.